Special Offers
We don’t currently have any special offers available. However if we do get any last minute cancellations we will firstly post these via our Facebook Page so please make sure that you follow us.
Details of discounted ferry prices with Wightlink and Red Funnel are offered to all guests on booking, during peak times we can extend significant savings much your holiday much more cost effective.
We’ve had a last-minute cancellation in Swallow cottage at Nettlecombe Farm on the stunning Isle of Wight, available from Friday, 9th August for a week!
Details: Swallow sleeps up to 10 people in 4 spacious bedrooms
Unique farm feeding tours
Fishing lakes
On-site yoga
Discounted ferry rates
Originally priced at £3,175 for the week, but offering with an exclusive 20% discount, making it a steal at just £2,540!
Please email the office if you would like to book enquiries@nettlecombefarm.co.uk